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  • Photo du rédacteurapesigned - Jeanne

This Black Friday, buy nothing & make SMTHG!

Dear apesigned friends,

As you may have noticed, Black Friday is coming end of this month and this consumption habit is getting more and more popular in Switzerland. How much will consumers spend on an average in Switzerland during this upcoming sales weekend?

Fashion Revolution got the numbers from a PWC 2018 study for UK and the average UK shopper plans to spend 234 pounds, nearly CHF 300.- over Black Friday Weekend, which makes 1.49 billion pounds (1.9 billion CHF) in total spent on consumption. 

The aim of this post is not to judge consumption but to raise awareness about how much we consume in general and on demand and to propose you an haulternative (an alternative to shopping by mending, making, thrifting, up-cycling, swapping, sharing or donating).

Jeanne from apesigned & Cristina from Fablab Onl'fati at the upcycling workshop, This Black Friday, buy nothing & make SMTHG!

Therefore, apesigned partnered with FabLab Onl'fait to propose you an amazing workshop where you will be able to make your own creation by up-cycling your old clothes or pieces of fabrics.

FYI: Fablab is the contraction of the words manufacturing and laboratory but don't get scared, their amazing team and especially Cristina, one  of the co-founders, is there to help us with the laser and the 3D printer.

We had a lot of fun developing and assembling the patterns for this workshop and can't wait to create unique products with you!

Here is a little insight into our workshop:

atelier upcycling avec Jeanne du label équitable apesigned, This Black Friday, buy nothing & make SMTHG!

What will we do? With the support of the laser cutting the fabrics in little origami pieces, there is an infinity of design possibilities waiting for you to be explored and transformed in either a yoga strap for your yoga mat or a reusable grocery bag. A nice way of refreshing your wardrobe without buying new clothes and have some fun while creating something unique.

This Black Friday, buy nothing & make SMTHG!

In fact, an article in the NNZ mentioned that each European buys each year on average 65 - 70 pieces of clothing from which half of them will not be worn or on very rarely occasions. Furthermore, every year each Swiss person is giving away 6kg of clothing.

So spread the word around and join us for a sustainable evening full of joy where we will explore the words: reuse - reduce - recycle with all your creativity!

Looking forward to welcome you!

Best Regards,


First and 3 last pictures @fash_rev and all the others @apesigned


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